Michigan governor announces new unemployment programs for workers hit by coronavirus pandemic
Employment Issues – Work Share Program
MI Unemployment and the Federal PSL/FMLA Options
We also have new clarification on the “choice” between the MI Unemployment and the Federal PSL/FMLA options as follows. They are not really “options”, but each was intended to address one of two business scenarios as follows:
MI Unemployment option is for those business who were forced to close or reduce hours or layoff workers due to mandate. Direct employees to apply for it as usual on the UIA website noted in this resource: https://www.michigan.gov/coronavirus/0,9753,7-406-98163-521770–,00.html You are not charged for the unemployment IF the reason is due to an Executive Mandate.
Federal PSL/XFMLA option is for those businesses that stay open, and have work available but employees who are unable to work due to need to attend to children home from school, are sick themselves, or need to care for someone who is sick (see other reasons in the slide resources). Use standard FMLA forms (as they are kept internally and not filed with the government) and note the COVID19 reason as the need for leave: https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/fmla/forms and follow the rest of the expanded mandate on that. Reimbursement will be through direct tax credits. See DOL notice
https://www.dol.gov/newsroom/releases/whd/whd20200324 and IRS notice