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Webinars by The Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce

Please Check Out Lansing Chamber Calendar:


Webinars by HBA

The HBA Lansing is setting up a series of Webinars to help our members and the companies that support them navigate the current Business Climate. The first one is in the next couple of days will be regarding unemployment options and potential funding options.


First, if you feel this would be helpful, reach out to Brent Forsberg or Cindy Kosloski.  Second, if you are a subject matter expert willing to share your knowledge please let us know. This is not a sales tool, we are looking for experts willing to share information about the overall conditions and options.


This will end. It is up to us to make sure we are ready to get our region back to work. The focus of these will be best practices by you and your peers to help minimize the economic impact on our local companies. More on this soon!


Check out the Video

Shiawassee Economic Development Partnership Offering Daily Update Call at 9 AM – Audio & Notes Now Available

In an effort to keep our SEDP stakeholders better informed, we are offering a daily (weekday) call, starting at 9:00 am. This will be an opportunity for you to listen in on updates we have at the local, regional, state and federal levels, and also give you the chance to ask any questions you may have. Here is the call-in information (which is good for every day you choose to call in).

+1 231-282-9447
Conference ID: 133 549 381#

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