Create Connected Communities
Brent Forsberg has been active in real estate sales, investing, and development for over 20 years in the Greater Lansing area. Currently, he is the President of TA Forsberg Inc, a firm with over 60 years of experience in road and sewer construction, land development and almost all facets of Real Estate development.
“When it comes to the design of the places people live and work, are we asking the right questions?”
Infrastructure crumbling across the nation, income and ethnicity still segregated from generations of targeted policy causing the continued stress as more people feel the strain of the cost of living across the country. The United States is at a crossroads. As we face a continuously more VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complex, Ambiguous) system we live within, it is time to reassess what the next 75 years of development will be.
Do we continue to design for types of uses and how we manage space, or is it time to rethink the models we use to build the places we call home? Our communities are an extension of who we are. One of the biggest mistakes we make is making it about the building and not about the relationship of the spaces with how people live.
I am committed to creating places people feel energized when they visit, and create a sense of well-being and connected to when they live there. Places that become hubs of opportunities for many to pursue their version of happiness in life.
This site is a compilation of my studies and ideas I use to bring these ideas to reality in the communities I work in.
Thank you for your time and I hope something here helps you on your journey in creating the best living and working environments for people.
Brent Forsberg
P.S. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or if you are interested in learning more about Forsberg’s philosophy is created connected engaged communities. Where and how we live is a product of the last 75 years of policy and design. The Forsberg Team and myself look forward to being a small part of what the next 75 plus years are going to be for the next generations.